our story
About WCCC
“ Love and belonging are the irreducible needs of every man, woman, and child. Without love and belonging, there will always be pain and suffering. But with love and belonging, there is sacred space.”
– Dr. Brené Brown
Help someone receive the Christian encouragement they need today from a team who cares.
How We Work
Our mission is to walk out Romans 15:13 in everything we do
Referrals come from churches, doctors, nurses, rehabilitation clinics, schools, probation offices, local agencies, CPS and former clients. Also, there are several local employers that make it possible through generous donations for their employees to take advantage of these services at a set fee.
Clients are encouraged to pay on a sliding scale from $0-$175. The suggested fee is that for every $10,000 the client’s household brings home a year, the client is asked to pay $10 a session, up to $175. (Ex: If a client makes $50,000 a year, they are encouraged to pay $50 a session.)